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Strengthening Guatemala’s tourism with Buro

Strengthening Guatemala’s tourism with Buro

In April 2019, Cancham and the Bureau of Conventions signed an agreement to work together at the inter-institutional level, with the objective of strengthening and expanding bilateral relations through trade, services and various industries in a responsible manner. sustainable. This is the result of the work carried out by the Chamber through its Social Projection Committee, which seeks to support the human development of Guatemalans by encouraging high standards of Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR- and Human Rights.


With this agreement, efforts are made to strengthen the tourist offer of events in Guatemala through social impact projects; for which the Convention Bureau channels the offer of different social projects that the Committee of Social Projection of the Chamber provides in order to impact the Sustainable Development Goals by supporting health, environmental, carbon footprint, water resources, housing needs, among others. In this way, Buró and CANCHAM, actively support to improve the quality of life of families and encourage and promote good and healthy business relations.


The main areas of impact are:

  • Strengthen the tourism offer of Guatemala.
  • Create a link between trade, tourism and social projection.
  • Contribute to the promotion of urban tourism (Guatemala City and surrounding areas).